Cartoon Dialectics Vol. 1 Back In Print!

While digging through my originals (available for sale here: batch 1 and batch 2, more soon!) I found a bunch of original unused letterpress covers for Cartoon Dialectics Vol. 1! That means I can bring a small edition of these back into print! It’s been sold out for close to two years. I don’t know how many times people have asked me about it at shows. I’m happy to make more! I should be able to get about 40-50 copies made from these. Did I already mention they’re letterpress? It’s the fourth ever comic published on Uncivilized Books! Go get ’em!

Oh, and the original art from this issues’ key story, ‘Ransom Strange,’ is available here: page 1 & page 2.

Football Madness

As we slide deeper into the quadrennial football madness I get seized with a major case of Nostalgia. I played football as kid in Poland, but pretty much stopped when I moved to the US. Now I rarely think about football… except during the World Cup every four years. Above is the only football related illustration I ever drew (I think?). It was for the beautifully designed Green Soccer Journal. It maybe the best looking sports publication ever! It was a pretty fun assignment. And now it can the perfect gift for a FIFA World Cup obsessed football fan! The only other time I referred to football in print was in this very old (1996) comic (reprinted in Cartoon Dialectics 2). Who are you rooting for?

New Website

Girl with Necklace. Ink + watercolor on paper. 2 x 2 inches. $20.

I’m working on a new website that will act as a single destination for all the things I do. Check it out, it’s a work in progress (as is everything on the internet!). One of the new things is Original Art. I don’t sell originals very often, almost never. In fact, I can’t even remember the last time I offered originals for sale. It’s been years! But, my flat files are overflowing, so I’ll be offering pieces throughout the summer. I’ve got the first batch (Batch 001) up. They range from very cheap ($20) to cheap ($200). There are illustrations, posters, little paintings and (for the first time ever!) original comics pages. Take a look. I’m also going to take commissions this summer, details soon!

Astro Boy GIF

I was digging around in the archives and found this spinning Astro Boy GIF I made ages ago.